
Purple asparagus

SKU: viola

1 kg bunch.

It is suitable as a side dish, e.g. grilled with a cut of ostrich, or baked in the oven. It is not recommended to boil it, as it perfectly retains its organoleptic qualities and good flavour even if eaten a day after cooking.

Product Description

Violet asparagus is a variety native to Liguria, so much so that it is also known as Violetto d’Albenga. The seed arrived at the Fantin company through a fortuitous acquaintance with Mr Porro, an elderly Ligurian producer. The seed, however, needed to be ‘harmonised’. It was, in fact, unstable from an aesthetic-productive point of view: the yields were low, the sizing very uneven, the colouring not regular. Therefore, we sent the seed to a nurseryman-geneticist who carried out harmonisation work that lasted almost 10 years.

The purple colour is the result of a genetic mutation that occurred spontaneously and naturally, which deprived the asparagus of a chromosome. In addition to its unmistakable purple colour, the purple asparagus is characterised by a rather sweet taste.

Due to its peculiarities, the purple asparagus is not selected for grading.


    Azienda Agricola FANTIN BENVENUTO

    Via dell’artigianato 19 Badoere

    Tel. +39 340 6928998

    Opening time

    Morning: 9.30-12.30
    Afternoon: 15.30-19.00

    Closing day on Monday.