
Green Badoere IGP asparagus

SKU: verde-igp

1 kg bunch.

Green Asparagus from Badoere PGI is a product of excellence in the European agro-food industry.

Product Description

Protagonists of spring, green asparagus is a young and tender shoot associated with the awakening of nature. The green type is low in calories and rich in folic acid, a B vitamin, and asparagine, a substance that increases resistance to fatigue. Like white asparagus, greens have antioxidant, diuretic and detoxifying properties.

They are a tasty appetiser and can delight the palate with refined first courses or, delicate but tasty, light main courses. Green turioni have a more pronounced flavour than white ones, neither sour nor salty, with a persistent fruity and herbaceous aroma.

Fresh asparagus on purchase can be recognised by its straight, closed tips. The stalks, on the other hand, should be hard, of the same thickness and free of spots.


    Azienda Agricola FANTIN BENVENUTO

    Via dell’artigianato 19 Badoere

    Tel. +39 340 6928998

    Opening time

    Morning: 9.30-12.30
    Afternoon: 15.30-19.00

    Closing day on Monday.