A short interview with Benvenuto Fantin given to Alice Magnani’s ‘virtual’ microphones for the newspaper ‘Italfruit News”.
Thank you for giving voice to thoughts, concerns, forecasts of the particular moment that the asparagus sector is going through.
Wednesday 8 April 2020

«Without Horeca it will be a difficult year for asparagus»
“The asparagus campaign this year is a double question mark: we have prices that are 20% lower than last year. Not to mention that 40 per cent of our production is usually destined for the Horeca sector, which has been at a standstill for some time now”.
Taking stock with Italiafruit on the trends of this typically spring product is Benvenuto Fantin, owner of the Trevisan company Fantin Asparagi, spread over about 40 linear kilometres of asparagus fields.
“Usually in this period we do a good job in the provinces of Venice and Treviso,’ Fantin continues, ‘working with tourism on the coast, hotels and tourist ships. But this year the situation has completely changed: we can no longer count on Horeca and we are trying to recover sales through e-commerce, which we activated a couple of years ago, and with home deliveries up to 20 km away”.
And he emphasises: ‘Despite our efforts, it will be virtually impossible to recover in the tourism sector: suffice it to say that a hotel used to buy an average of 20 kg of asparagus per day, sales that we now have to do without. And the same trend can also be found in the markets: we have gone from 150 packages per day to the current 30. A reflection on the convenience of production is necessary: many colleagues have preferred not to harvest the product, ….
The full version can be found at this link: http://www.italiafruit.net/DettaglioNews/54151/lapprofondimento/senza-lhoreca-sara-unannata-difficile-per-gli-asparagi