‘White’ as a result of human care that shields it from light
White asparagus is obtained by carefully avoiding exposure to light. This is why it is cultivated under mounds of earth and protected from sunlight with blackout film. In April/May, shoots develop, white shoots with a pleasant and delicate flavour. Processing is strictly by hand, from harvesting to selecting the calibre, from cutting to tying the bunches with raffia thread and packaging.
Length of shoots 14-22 cm. Calibre 10-22 mm

‘Green’ due to the action of chlorophyll photosynthesis
Green asparagus grows in sunlight. It is harvested by cutting the shoot at ground level. It grows faster than the white. Processing of the green asparagus is also done by hand. It is packaged by leaving it a little longer than the white: it is tender until it is green. It has a pronounced flavour with a sweetish taste bud. It is the only asparagus that does not need to be peeled.
Length of shoots 16-27 cm. Gauge 8-22 mm.

Taken (and modified with our knowledge) from the flyer ‘Asparago di Badoere IGP’.