
Jar of natural white asparagus

SKU: vasetto-bianchi


Gross weight: 530 g – drained weight: 280 g

For those who want to taste the flavour of spring in every month of the year, we offer our asparagus, white and green, harvested and immediately prepared to be stored only in water and salt, inside hermetically sealed jars.

Product Description

To enjoy asparagus at its best, we suggest heating the open jar, in a bain-marie, for a few minutes, and bringing them to the table au naturel or accompanied by lemon mayonnaise, vinaigrette or whatever your imagination suggests. An excellent base for sandwiches, asparagus is also a delicious dish covered with beaten egg and layered in an oven dish, like a pasty.


Valori nutrizionali medi per 100 g di prodotto

Energia117 kJ
28 kcal
Grassi0.2 g
di cui acidi grassi saturi<0.1 g
Carboidrati2.8 g
di cui zuccheri2.8 g
Fibre6.6 g
Proteine3.1 g
Sale0.1 g


    Azienda Agricola FANTIN BENVENUTO

    Via dell’artigianato 19 Badoere

    Tel. +39 340 6928998

    Opening time

    Morning: 9.30-12.30
    Afternoon: 15.30-19.00

    Closing day on Monday.

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