Before any preparation, it is important to carefully clean the asparagus, especially near the apex bracts, where grains of earth easily enter.
Using a mandoline, scrape or, better still, peel the white asparagus, starting a little below the apex and proceeding to the base. Green, purple, light green and wild asparagus do not need to be peeled or, at your discretion, you only peel the end. To prevent the asparagus from breaking, we recommend peeling by placing the asparagus on a cutting board or in your hand, and handling it gently. A further rinsing should follow.
You can now tie the asparagus in bunches with kitchen string, trying to keep the tips at the same level and to even out the ends of the stalks. The latter require longer cooking than the tips: the best way to perfect cooking is to simmer them by standing them upright in salted water two-thirds of their height. In this way, the stems boil in the water, while the steam has the effect of cooking the tips as well.
For ideal cooking, the asparagus pot is very useful: the pot is tall and narrow, and also has a removable basket. If other tall pots are used, such as the pasta pot, for example, small tricks can be adopted. Improvising lids with aluminium foil and inserting glass jars inside the pot, if too wide, keeps the bunches nice and straight during cooking.
The cooking time depends on the calibre (thickness) and quality of the asparagus: it generally varies between 15 and 30 minutes. The degree of cooking should be tested by piercing the base of the stalks with a fork: the tips of the fork should go in easily, although the stalks should retain a certain crispness. It should be remembered that, once removed from the pot, the asparagus continues to cook: calculating the cooking time well avoids getting asparagus that is too soft.
To dry the asparagus, simply drain them and place them in a serving dish, fitted with a movable perforated plate. If you do not have one, use a dish towel.