Our mailbox receives a little bit of everything: some people are looking for purely commercial information, others offer articles for sale, others want information on how to grow asparagus and how to cook it, etc., to which we take the time to reply in full.
Sometimes, on the other hand, ‘THE’ e-mails arrive, the ones that have the power to make even the gloomiest day sunny: they are words of esteem and recognition of the hard and industrious work done every day, notes of appreciation that gratify all the actions that are planned and implemented.
We would like to thank Mrs Roberta Guazzini of the B & B Belcanto di Montecerboli (Pisa) immensely for these words, which have been a warm ray of sunshine in this rainy spring.
Dear Mr Fantin,
last week I had the pleasure of cooking and eating your asparagus: white and blue; my son, who works far from home, brought them to me, but he is happy!
I am writing to congratulate you on your production of quality: I haven’t eaten such good asparagus in years, since I used to go to Germany; here in Tuscany, green asparagus is prevalent.
Perhaps you can find your products in Florence or other cities, but I live in a small town and I have my son to thank for bringing them to me!!!
I greet you congratulating you once again on your products and also on the website which describes your company perfectly.
Roberta Guazzini
Montecerboli (Pisa)