On Sunday, 4 February 2018, the Strada del Radicchio Rosso Tardivo di Treviso e Variegato di Castelfranco, in the splendid setting of Villa Emo, gave rise to an interesting combination of art and taste: the 2nd Cenacoli d’Arte, an exhibition of painting, sculpture and graphics, was flanked by a roundup of local food and wine delicacies, including our jarred White and Green Asparagus and Asparagus beer. On the one hand, the eye was gratified by the beautiful architecture, sculptures and frescoes in this noble residence, and on the other, the palate delighted in our turions. The morning was spent alternating between contemplating pagan images from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, religious and Roman depictions intended to ‘instruct’ the aristocrats of 16th-century Venetian estates on good moral conduct and agricultural life, and enjoying the scent of the impending spring by offering our asparagus expertly preserved in jars.